1326 blood cancer trials are happening worldwide to help treat and manage leukemia, lymphoma and other blood cancers.

We’re patients and caregivers too.

Heal Mary is a free service for patients to help them find treatment options from a worldwide database that is updated in real-time daily.

  • Targeted therapy

    A type of therapy that targets a gene or protein that controls how a cancer cell grows or dies. An example is a BCL-2 protein in your body.

  • Immunotherapy

    Immunotherapies harnesses your immune system to detect proteins that exist outside of cancer cells. The immune system can then target and bind to those cancer cells.

  • Combotherapy

    The combination of therapies to treat a patient depending on location and agressiveness of the cancer. A combination therapy means that more than 1 treatment will be used to target the patient’s cancer.

What’s the newest treatments available?

Hannah from our life sciences team shares the latest in developments in blood cancer treatments including: targeted therapies, combination therapies and immunotherapies.

Watch the full video here.